I like that you planted J chokes and beans! They are so nice for the soil and produce a nice biomass that breaks down much faster than other things like unshredded mulch or all those branches hehe. I Also believe in the hybridizing before selection. IMHO it helps express genetic variability even within each variety that was recessive or dormant, allowing for more traits to pick from then for breeding. Very nice! I like the idea of forever clonesd plants and let my sheep's sorrel do this but also select seed from some of the plants in sunny sports that have nice traits (as you mentioned some plants produce much more seed with sun) and add it to the mostly leafy producing self cloning type, which is where I also harvest most as it doesn't go to seed much anyhow with the shade. This adds more genetic variability to the clones for later breeding :)
I like that you planted J chokes and beans! They are so nice for the soil and produce a nice biomass that breaks down much faster than other things like unshredded mulch or all those branches hehe. I Also believe in the hybridizing before selection. IMHO it helps express genetic variability even within each variety that was recessive or dormant, allowing for more traits to pick from then for breeding. Very nice! I like the idea of forever clonesd plants and let my sheep's sorrel do this but also select seed from some of the plants in sunny sports that have nice traits (as you mentioned some plants produce much more seed with sun) and add it to the mostly leafy producing self cloning type, which is where I also harvest most as it doesn't go to seed much anyhow with the shade. This adds more genetic variability to the clones for later breeding :)