Out of band post today; you'll get to listen to my dulcet tones as I'm being interviewed by Shane Simonsen (of the Zero Input Agriculture substack). The podcast is part of a hopefully long running series from the Going To Seed project, which aims to bring together plant breeders with a specific slant towards a technique called landrace breeding.
Landrace breeding can be utilised to produce plants that are locally adapted to your specific microclimate. It's letting go of highly controlled pollination and handing over the reins to nature's pollinators. The grower still has a say in which plants stay and contribute their desirable traits to later generations, but it's a lot less labour intensive. You can combine landracing with specific pollination too, there is no fixed prescription!
In the interview, I talk specifically about my Silverweed domestication project, but there are other tidbits that creep in here and there.